
Anti-scam Learning Kit

Anti-scam Learning Kit

CaRing Scheme

Offbeat On Air.Ep.118 – Anti-Scam Support Pamphlet

(Chinese version only)

What's Happening

Anti-scam Tips

Telephone deception

1. Telephone deception:

Stay calm! Do not believe such claims as "law enforcement officer", "investigation", "arrest warrant" and "mobile application".

Employment fraud

2. Employment fraud:

Don't be naive Recruitment for "sales booster" is a tactic to trick innocent job seekers into scams.

Romance scam

3. Romance scam:

Keep your wits about you! Don't believe those sweet talk and excuses or you will suffer losses.

Investment fraud

4. Investment fraud:

Don't be tempted by quick money! Don't believe such claims as "expert investor", "high return with zero risk", "insider information" and "sure-win investment apps".

Make good use of search engine to confirm identity.

5. Make good use of search engine to confirm identity.

Source: "CyberDefender", Click here for "Scameter"

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